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Sweet Paul in Germany

I am on the run today but simply have to shout out my blogger friend Paul Lowe who not only has the English edition of his magazine in Anthropologie stores across the United States, BUT he now has his magazine in German and is sold over here - I found this copy on the newsstand around the corner from my house and snapped a few photos for you with my iPhone. Check it out... Sweet Paul in Germany!

I am SO PROUD of Paul but equally proud that Germany is so keenly interested in lifestyle publications more than ever and are really embracing foreign publications more and more - we even have Martha Stewart Living magazine in German now since the beginning of this year.

Sweet Paul in German

Sweet Paul in German

Sweet Paul Germany

Sweet Paul in German

It's so inspiring for me, an American living in northern Germany, to see some of my favorite people from the states over here. It makes home not feel so faraway now. CONGRATS PAUL on this amazing adventure you are on! I wish you massive success with you, your brand, all of it.

Sweet Paul magazine is sold in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on newsstands everywhere so make sure you pick up a copy!

(images: holly becker)