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Fabric Wall Hanging DIY

Hello friends! I came across this stunning page in the August 2012 issue of Country Living (UK) and simply had to share it with hopes to inspire you today. Country Living produces some lovely DIY projects in their issues and online (here) so I invite you to check them out if you haven't already. Country Living UK

See that clever and easy wall hanging? This caught my eye because it's an idea I've thought of many times but have not yet tried it. Does that ever happen to you? You have this really good idea but you sit on it, then it pops up in a book or magazine? Yeah, it happens to me all of the time too. I guess it's a reminder that 1) our ideas are good ones and 2) that we need to put our ideas into motion more often! Seeing this idea in-situ vs. trapped in my brain only encourages me even more to try it out.

Country Living suggests using large-scale bold patterns when you decide to suspend fabric in this way above a bed. They also suggest hanging the fabric from a bamboo pole (most likely because it is hollow and lightweight but sturdy). It reminds me of those old-fashioned German and French charts from school, particularly with the fabric cord, don't you think? To hang it, you could use ribbon that is sturdy, rope or leather, too. It is also suggested to change up the fabric to suit your mood or seasonal color theme.

I'd like to add that you'll need to use fabric with a good weight to it so opt for upholstery fabrics and stitch in a simple pocket along the top to slip onto your piece of bamboo as you would secure a curtain to a rod. I suggest a clean pocket vs. ruffled for a look that is clean and modern. If it looks too much like a curtain it may not look nearly as good and even a bit misplaced. I think this look works so well because it is hung close to the top of the headboard, then the headboard is used as a little shelf for placing things (which works for a magazine shoot but not for real living, right?). This is why I suggest hanging your fabric a bit higher, then install a shelf to run beneath it in the exact same width of the fabric or a bit wider (not smaller) so you can then display a vase of flowers and some other pretty bits to add dimension and life to the overall display that you've created as a focal point above you bed.

For more wonderful crafty ideas, visit Country Living to see if you can find anything that clicks with your taste.

(photo: holly becker)