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Hungary With The Locals

Hello sweet decor8 readers, it's Rincy again with my monthly Simple Times post and I am so excited to be writing to you from my travels here in Hungary. In my column last month, I encouraged you to explore more in your local area. This month, with many taking summer vacation, perhaps you can travel where your friends live and tap into their local expertise. I've only been in Hungary for a few days and already I am completely and utterly enchanted with this sweet country because I am with friends who know this region and somehow they make it seem like nothing is off limits! Suddenly statutes and bridges have stories, the hidden nooks and crannies of roads lead to the most beautiful surroundings and when the night lights turn on- it really feels like the most special place in the world. This is a simple pleasure that a travel book cannot provide - locals who happen to be friends that want to share the magic with you. I feel so lucky! Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

It may be one of the smallest states in Europe but right now it seems so big and full of inspiration. The land of castles, vineyards, thermal spas and gulyás is every bit as magical as I hoped it to be. I look forward to seeing what each day brings and would love to share it with you soon.

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Simple Times: Hungary With The Locals

Have you ever been to Budapest or a place that instantly seemed like a fairy tale to you? Will you be visiting somewhere soon to explore with local friends or family? I'm so curious to know, so please share. A girl can certainly dream.

With lots of love and light, always - Rincy, your little bird (whose wings are just starting to fly!)

(images: rincy koshy)