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New: Print Club Boston

I'm always psyched when I hear from fellow Bostonians about a creative project that's going on there. Boston has such a special place in my heart - I lived there for so long and founded my blog there - it's a really great and supportive city for creatives! Just this morning I received an email about Print Club Boston, founded by an Australian expat who recently relocated to Boston, Elizabeth Corkery, and wanted to learn more. Elizabeth lives and works and Somerville and as an artist, she decided to try a new adventure and so Print Club Boston was born. What is it exactly? It's an online source for affordable and limited edition silkscreen prints, and as you can see below, they're gorgeous and unique. Each piece is released as part of a series which has a thematic cohesion and production and all are printed in limited edition, small runs. I adore the two prints shown directly below, especially the one on the left called Pink Flowers - it really resonates with me for some reason. I imagine it framed in a big copper frame with a white border - so pretty and perfect for springtime! Unknown-1

Elizabeth has this to say about the first series, "The first collectionThe Grid, The Trellis is an eight-print series, which is based around the structural geometry of the garden trellis. A commonly used armature for the upward growth of plants, the trellis simultaneously addresses the potential for fertile, organic expansion and the unnatural geometric structure of the grid." It's so interesting to hear where artists begin on their creative journey, don't you think? Below is a glimpse of Elizabeth working in her studio...








And by the way... Do you have any current sources for shopping for art prints online? Or certain artists that you love and follow? Please share your links below, I'm always looking for new sources for art prints!

(images: print club boston)