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The Tweetable Birdcage

I want to show you guys this really cute birdcage/tabletop display thing-y. I really dig it. It is sorta perfect for social media addicts like most of us because it's called the Tweetable Birdcage and with one glance, you'll see why it is indeed tweetable. Designed by Alessandro Dubini, mine came from KOMDO.DO but I imagine if they don't ship to where you live, you can find it in your country too if you google. This porcelain and metal birdcage isn't really a cage for feathered friends at all but rather, to use as an unusual display peice. So you can put anything you want inside. Flowers in multiple vases, a fern or another plant, a group of succulents, prized possessions from the flea market, picture frames, food... Anything decorative that fits inside could be fun. birdcage_decor8_2


If you recognize this cage, it was displayed prominently in my new book, Decorate With Flowers, in the home of Bri Emery from Design Love Fest - it's in a few photos on pages 122 and 123 in the Girly Glam section. Here is one below. After seeing it on her dining table, I just had to have it so KOMDO.DO and their PR agency hooked me up and I'm so glad they did because I didn't realize I could get it here in Germany. Swoon and score! In my cage, I displayed something a bit unusual... straw flowers that I let dry. I snipped off the stems and just laid them on the bottom of the cage. I like it because you don't really know what it is until you get a little closer and it's quite unexpected and I like that sometimes, I've always liked to color outside of the lines I guess you could say.


What do you think, is this your style or not?

Please note: This product is decor8 tested and approved.

(images: holly becker + laure joliet)