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Win Skinny Laminx Gift Cards

12/14 Giveaway Closed. Winners Shown At The Bottom Of This Post. Hello and happy Friday everyone! It's time for two giveaways for our #12daysofgiveaways. YES TWO. And each will have two winners. This one is from a favorite textile designer of mine from South Africa and her name is Heather Moore of Skinny laMinx. Have you heard of her? You most likely have if you're a regular in blogland since she definitely makes her rounds in the blogosphere. I have a total crush on her cushions, in fact I'm a little jealous that two of you have the chance to win stuff from Heather because a few of her cushions are on my wish list for my new studio space. You lucky ducks! skinnylaminx_decor8_6






Here’s how to enter:

  • Go to Skinny laMinx and find a few things that make your heart sing and add her shop to your faves on Etsy IF you want to/like it/etc. She'd love the support!
  • Comment below with your choices
  • Go to the decor8 Facebook page and post on my timeline with this message, “I entered to win $100 worth of goodies from Skinny laMinx on decor8 today! #12daysofgiveaways"


You can enter as many times as you like but only ONCE per day. Our two winners will be each be chosen on December 12th and announced on December 13th here on decor8 and contacted via email, so please use a valid email when you comment below. This contest is open to all readers WORLDWIDE. You need to complete ALL steps above in order to qualify. You can enter some or all of the giveaways during the #12daysofgiveaways, no limit – except that you can only enter each giveaway once daily. That’s all! Easy!


Thank you Skinny laMinx for being so generous to us all! And good luck to all of you!

12/14 Giveaway Closed. Winners Are: #49 (Ida) #192 (Debra)

(images: Skinny laMinx)