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10 Inspiring and Beautiful Ceramics

I've always loved ceramics and have fond memories of working at a potter's wheel quite regularly in my various art classes growing up. I can still feel the clay in my hands and remember pressing my thumbs and palms into it - that wet sloppy slurping, the smell, the anticipation of seeing the piece after it was sculpted, then placed to bake in the kiln, praying in silence that it wouldn't crack or break altogether. Then the painting and glazing, waiting again, and finally your finished piece. ef5690eeeb15b78ccd751bb32bf1e7ff

It's a process that requires so much patience that you can say the art of making ceramics sculpts and fires your personality in addition to the forms made. Today I thought I'd round up some of my favorite pieces at the moment with hopes that you will discover something beautiful and inspirational. Here are 10 ceramics that I love right now.


1. Max and Moritz selection of ceramics like those gorgeous Ben Medansky mugs with those gold handles! Yes!


2. Exclusive mugs made in California by Jujumade for Fine Life Co. I'd love these to drink my morning coffee from. A good mug makes a cup of coffee a special and relaxing time. I don't enjoy the coffee the same from a cheap mug or some to-go cup.


3. Julia Paul Pottery - this is all just so beautifully formed, I really love it.


4. Rosenthal. A very classic German company that still produces such sweet pieces. I love visiting their outlet in Wolfsburg, I buy all of my vases there.


5. Stella Baggott (also known as Atelier Stella) for West Elm which will be available very soon. I have to have them but sadly, there is no West Elm here in Germany. :(


6. I love Berlin-based Rimma Tchilingarian and her vase sold at Leif Shop. What gorgeous vases she has in her shop, too!


7. Butterly drawers - oh my! By Katherine Morling. You HAVE to visit her site. Unreal. I mean, seriously. You will die.


8. Astier de Villatte - still my favorite in the world, you can find them in the US all over but ABC Home has the most extensive selection I've seen stateside outside of Liberty London and of course, the Astier de Villatte shop in Paris (which I could move into). I dream of owning pieces by them. I only have a large wall fork and some glass candles and incense sticks. When I'm in Paris again, I have to visit the shop and splurge a little.


9. The Object Enthusiast ring dishes on Esty. Quirky and fun.

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10. Flow1 collection by German stylist and ceramicist Dietlind Wolf, available exclusively at ABC Home in NYC. My second favorite ceramics after Astier de Villatte.

What are some of your favorite ceramics at the moment? Any favorites above that we share?

(images: Top: Styling: Marianne Luning Photo: Tjitske van Leeuwen for VTWonen all others linked to sources)